One of the coolest things about Earthaven is that there are so many learning opportunities both within and nearby. The work-exchange is great, but there's a lot more...
My Work-Exchange
I’ll describe the work-exchange in more detail in another essay. The core obligation is 17 hours / week in exchange for rent, and I spend the bulk of this out in the garden learning and practicing the permaculture principles we embrace here.
This is the core learning experience for me - it’s what I do regularly and gives me regular mentorship opportunities from the old-hands here. Permaculture is a lot more than just classic gardening - it’s basically a philosophy and set of principles that enable humans to live permanently within nature rather than destructively outside. Permaculture emphasizes growing a whole ecosystem rather than just food crops, so I’m not just learning how to plant and harvest plants - I’m learning how to understand energy, water, and nutrient flows; how to maximize plant, soil, insect and animal life while minimizing the impact of detrimental pests; how to maximize food, medicinal, aesthetic and other yield while minimizing human labor and cost input. Pretty cool!
Outside the Work Exchange
Every learning opportunity I checked out had a core activity such as natural building or organic farming, but few programs had as many peripheral learning opportunities as Earthaven. I’ve tried to really immerse myself here in every opportunity I could find, and sometimes I've encouraged others to put on activities they wouldn't have otherwise. Here’s what’s been keeping me busy: